
Why Fellowship?

Fellowship, founded in 1978 by a group of committed men and women social activists, is a community-based, non-profit, non-governmental organization. As one of the pioneer organization in the Bhadrak district, Fellowship focuses on the women’s issues. Fellowship is opposed to all forms of oppression, exploitation and violence against women. It subscribes to the principles of non-sectarian and social transformation.

Our Mission

Fellowship believes in a just and equitable society – a society free from violence, without discrimination based on gender, religion, caste, creed and color. We strive hard to establish the rights of women and other marginalized groups like Transgender community, Sex Workers, Persons Living with HIV and Children by empowering them to take control of their lives, working in a collective manner with other group, initiating and conducting Campaign to end violence against them.

Our Vision

We dream of a society free from violence, without discrimination based on gender, religion, caste, sexuality, nationality and physical disability.

Our Strategy

In Odisha, where billion of people live in poverty and illiteracy is rampant, women and members of the excluded community face greater risks. Improving their socio-economic condition requires strong and systematic commitment and favorable govt. policies. Fellowship’s basic strategy stems from the fact that ‘Once the poor and marginalized increased their economic condition and assets, they used these new earnings to improve the education and health status of their families’.

Ongoing Project

SAKHI, One Stop Centre

To provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by violence, both in private and public spaces under one roof.

Family Counselling Centre(FCC)

FCC also educates people on various laws to combat violence against women and also registered and counseled the case of men.

Child Care Institute

Fellowship runs a Child Care Institute where abandoned, trafficked and run away children most likely girl children are given shelter and boys...

Targeted Interventions (TI)

Targeted Interventions (TI) are a specific set of intervention in HIV/AIDS Control programme meant specifically to reach out to groups ...

Swadhar Greh

SWADHAR GREH provides shelter, food, clothing and health care to women and their children who are abandoned or affected by violence.

Combat Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking

Marginalised communities are strengthened to assert their rights and access justice and entitlements.

Food and Nutrition Security

Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) programme that aims to integrate nutrition, agriculture and WASH interventions for improved food .....

Pradhan Mantri Adarsha Gramya Yojana ( PMAGY)

To ensure integrated development of the selected villages with more than 50% SC population...


Secretary Message

Fellowship believes in a just and equitable society - a society free from violence, without discrimination based on gender, religion, caste, creed and colour. It strives hard to establish the rights of women and other marginalized groups like transgender community, sex workers, persons living with HIV and children by empowering them to take control of their lives, working in a collective manner with other groups initiating and conducting campaign to end violence against them.
S.M. Farooque