Pradhan Mantri Adarsha Gramya Yojana ( PMAGY)

The District Authority has sanctioned a project since Feb, 2021 under the name “Pradhan Mantri Adasha Gramya Yojana (PMAGY)”. The objective of this Project / Scheme is to ensure integrated development of the selected villages with more than 50% SC population, inter alia, there is: (a) Adequate Infrastructure: All requisite infrastructure necessary for the socio-economic development needs are to be provided under the Scheme. To implement this scheme we have to form VLC, undertake house hold Survey, Uploading of Data in PMAGY, Need Assessment of the villages & Preparation of VDPs etc. Till date we have completed in all 12 villages Development Plan (VDP) of Tihidi & Chandabali block under Bhadrak district in collaboration with D.W.O, W.E.O & BDO. By reviewing our performance OSFDC (St & Sc Dev. Section) is satisfied particularly of fulfilling the commitment of their, they have again allotted 24 villages in six blocks of Bhadrak district.